Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Old & New

So my last post is bugging me a little. Is it just me or did it sound very materialistic? That was not my intention at all. I guess for starters I shouldn't have put the word loot in the title. My mom always took pictures of us with each gift on Christmas morning, she likes to take pictures of our happy faces. I didn't realize that's all I took of the day. Christmas morning is much more than that, as we all know. I have been altering my view on Christmas morning, looking at it as a mother, a giver, not a getter. Of course my mom, the ultimate giver, went out of her way to suprise and delight me. I will always be her blonde angel, no matter how old and onry I get. Anyway, I felt the need to post something more meaningful, so I decided to write a reflection on this past year. To help illustrate my words are some pictures of my family at the temple lights this past month.

This picture I threw in to compare to the one below it. It was taken over 2 1/2 years ago, when Cam and I were engaged and he had come back from Las Vegas to spend the weekend with me. That seems like a lifetime ago. Just looking at these pictures, it seems like not much has changed, I still hate to do my hair. I still wear glasses everyday, though I did get new ones. This is such a dorky picture of me, I'm brave to even include it, but I couldn't find the one I was looking for.

We took the next picture because on our wedding invites, we are standing right at this pillar, all wrapped up in each other. Time flys...

The next picture obviously shows the biggest change to our lives. There have been many,many others. Financial, geographical, job-related, family-related. Life is in a constant state of uncertanities for us. This year has been the first in three that Cam has not had to be away from me for more than two weeks. In the next couple years we face more seperation. I think I have not stopped to appreciate this year enough. Sure he worked a lot and when he wasn't at work he was at school, but he was always close by, always coming home at the end of the day.

And yes, while I write this sweet note about him, you can look at the goofy expression on his face. Sigh. The love of my life, ladies and gentlemen...

This past year alone has brought tons of firsts, not only for Conner, but for me as his mom. I experienced every first right there with him, like it was my own.

New year, new joys, new challenges, new people to meet, new places to go. I can't wait, and yet, I wish it could be 2010 just a little bit longer.

Through it all, I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. For my faith, and for my new years resolutions to work even harder at those things I need to do to bring me closer to HIM and to my Heavenly Father.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Loot

This year we had a blast at my mom's house, and made out like bandits in the present department. I was suprised and thrilled with everything. Conner of course, was the most spoiled of us all. Execpt maybe for Uncle Kev, who got some pretty sweet guitar toys. We ate a YUMMY breakfest casserole, Conner had plenty of blueberries, and Cam had plenty of pineapple. Best of all? Mama Kait got a nap. Unfortunately I had major stomach pains, but those diddnt last too long. We all ended the night playing Auntie Annie's dancing game for her new XBOX Kinect. Conner had a lot more rhythmn then his mama, even though he just bounced and shaked and bobbed a little. I got better, and that counts, right?

A CHI so I can stop with the constant ponytail. Having it down is actually quite distracting since I'm not used to doing my hair anymore.

Conner on his sweet ride. He likes to make it light up, of course!

Conner got a CARS ball pit from my in-laws and LOVES IT!

Cam with the game he's been wanting to check out.

A much sought-after and adored movie, that is now finally mine. Yes, I've already watched it!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's the Hap-Happiest Season of All!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I love to decorate. I wanted to take pictures of my apartment this year because we will most likely have moved on from this place by next Christmas. I borrowed some things from my Mom, and bought the rest at Target. I really enjoyed putting everything together, but I am still on the hunt for that elusive Santa cookie jar...

The only piece of my Christmas village I could fit in the apartment. It lights up and plays Christmas music as well as songs like " On Top of Old Smoky."

Advent Calendar sitting on top of my Memo board in the kitchen. It has chocolates!

Walking into the Kitchen

I made that decorative tile last year. Gave one just like it to my VT partner. My mom gave the book to me last Christmas. Pretty cover, huh?

The wee-little Christmas Tree

View of the stockings and the creative way I hung them (if I do say so myself)

View from the Hallway

A beautiful wreath I borrowed from my Mom

The Welcome Mat

This is the sight that greats me when I come home. except way messier usually. haha

Conner's Gingerbread house and this "decorated" high chair. Cute penguins huh?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Four Questions

Here's a little preview of my answers...couldn't bear to not have any pictures on this post. So these are my visual aids. Gotta have visual aids, right?

Candy canes, YUM! Jolly Rancher Flavors are the best!

My sissy's favorite Temple.

Kangaroos, Koala Bears, Wallabys, OH MY!

One of my FAVORITE shows. See why below.

Angela Brian tagged me for this fun little get-to-know-you game. I'm all for writing about this fun stuff. Thanks Angie!
By the way, here is a little plug for her DIY site, Green Submarine. She posts awesome crafts on it. I fall in love with everything, and she takes requests! She'll find your next project for you! Alright,I'm done gushing about my friend. Let's get down to buisness, shall we?


Just four? Really, I have to narrow it down?? Really? Okay, okay, I think I can do this...

1. THE AMAZING RACE: I just jumped on this long-running bandwagon in the middle of last season. I haven't missed a minute this season, and I have to say, it's the show I most anticipate every week. I try and fail to mimick the host's accent, and LOVE all the places they travel to. Such a cool way to experience other cultures!Though I would be elimnated in the first leg, for sure. I get so nervous about who will be eliminated. Luckily my FAV team is still in it. The season finale is next Sunday. Go Brooke and Claire!!!

2. CASTLE: This one I watch with my hubby. We became fans of the main actor, Nathan Fillion, when he did a short-lived series called Firefly. I am a sci-fi geek. Of course,I'm pretty much an everything geek, I have broad tastes. haha. Castle is about a mystery writer who partners with the NYPD to solve homicides. My favorite part? The scenes Castle has with his daughter. I love the family element to it and how by talking to her, he gets brainstorms on cases.

3. GREYS ANATOMY: I'm sooo over the whole romantic-partner-swapping aspect of this show, but I still like it. Why? The amazing guest stars! As popular as it is the show can afford the best guest stars out there. I've noticed a lot of seasoned actors on there with very recognizable faces and they usually steal the scene away from the series regulars. Also, even though the ground=breaking science they portay on here isn't very realistic, it still is pretty cool. Too bad real break-throughs don't happen that fast.

Last but not least, Angie listed her favorite old show that she watches over and over so here is mine...

4. GILMORE GIRLS: Here is just a sample of why I adore this show: "It's Avril Lavigne's world and we're just living in it!" My favorite line hands down. If anyone knows what scene and episode this was said in, and gets as big of a kick out of it as I do, you have just made yourself a life-long friend. Of course, I'll be your friend regardless. haha


1. Don't touch that, Conner!

2. Do you know how much I love you baby boy?

3. Silliest goosey!

4. NO BUG!

Notice how all these phrases are directed to my son. I spend the most time with him, so it's logical that he is the one who I talk the most to. I think I might repeat myself too often. I guess that will never change. Isn't that what mothers do?


1. Australia: Hands down, my dream vacation. Itt's huge continent so it would probably take me several trips to see all I want to see, and all my money. A girl can dream can't she?

2. HAWAII: Boy were we smart to give this tropical paradise statehood. My hubby and I never went on a honeymoon, and this will be the destination for our late honeymoon someday. I hope.

3. ITALY: Aunthentic italian food and all that beautiful history? Count me in!!!

4. NEW YORK CITY: I want to see about a half dozen shows on Broadway and do all the super cheesy touristy stuff. I just do.


1. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS: There is nothing more wonderful than the gospel of Jesus Christ and his restored church. I know it is true with my whole heart and soul. To learn more go here

2. MY 2 BOYS: I love my family very much. Cam is a wonderful husband and father. Conner is joy personified. I'm getting choked up now...

3. DECORATING MY HOME: I love interior design. It has been so much fun finally being able to design a space and have it be all my own. Cam is very tolerant of my tastes. See why he's great? I just used up some giftcards way back from our wedding to decorate for Christmas and I think my home looks the way it feels. Very jolly!

4. READING: I am in a great book club. This month we are reading CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER by Gregory Maguire.


1. Cleaned the peach smoothie off my son after he dumped it all over himself.

2. Read several chapters of THE GOOD HUSBAND OF ZEBRA DRIVE of the NO. 1 LADIES DETECTIVE AGENCY SERIES. ( the first one was a book club book, I am on the 7th or
8th book)

3. Went to Target to get a cute Santa cookie jar, but came home with just a mop bucket.

4. Talked to my mom on the phone for over an hour. We never have short phone converstions except when something goes wrong with one of our phones.


1. CHRISTMAS: Look over at my top blinkie and that pretty much sums up this time of year for me. Now I have that song in my head, do you?

2. Going up to Utah to see my brother-in-law enter the MTC. Very EXCITING!

3. Conner saying his first words. C'mon Bug YOU CAN DO IT!!!

4. Being Mary Feilding Smith for our Ward Christmas Party this weekend.


1. THE TREATS: Pecan crunch, homemade caramels, candy canes, chocolate oranges, I could go on and on.

2. The fact that it's 75 degrees out right now. It's my reward for making it through the summer without melting away.

3. Layering and wearing sweaters. I AM MAD ABOUT SWEATERS!

4. THE ENGERY: I love how there is so much to do and to celebrate this time of year. Everything comes alive! Of course I have to slow down and reflect on who made it possible for me to enjoy the winter and why we celebrate HIS birth.



2. Carly Adams




Monday, December 6, 2010

Pulling My Hair Out

Heaven help me! Conner has found out how to turn the dishwasher on, and how to open it. Do they have locks for those things? I am contemplating washing everything in the sink so he won't have anything to throw on the floor. However, I really hate doing dishes. Dishwashers are the best thing since sliced bread as far as I'm concerned.

Conner as a 14 month old always wants up, so he can reach the light switches and get to things he wants to pick up and throw that are out of his reach. He thinks everything is a ball. This is why the Christmas tree is up high, where he cannot get to the bulbs. I have no idea where baby jesus went from our nativity. Leave it to Bug to lose the most important piece.

He walks to the laundry room with me, his hand in mine, and I feel pretty lucky to have him. Until he sees my car and tries to bee line for the trunk so he can point to the key-hole. He really likes to get into my trunk and play with his stroller. He also loves to see me unlock doors and such, he gets really animated and starts to gab away and point at the lock.It's hard to get him to follow me back up to our apartment. He just stands still and grins at me, debating whether or not he should make a break for it, or obey his mama. Guess which choice he usually makes? Little goose.

He waves bye bye to any car he sees, which is pretty cute because he doesn't do it right and it just looks like he's opening and closing his hand. Today the mail man smiled at him when Conner waved.

He won't eat grapes now, but still loves blueberries. He chews up the grape and then spits it back into your hand. He did this once while we were visting teaching. Poor woman is pregnant and now probably more nervous about how gross kids can be. His favorite thing to eat is a hot dog. I am excited to find out how he will react to Santa. He is very friendly. He acts shy by putting his head on my shoulder and giving a timid smile to strangers. That's all it is though, just an act. He is the biggest ham I know. Every once in a while, he'll scrunch up his nose and do the famous stink face for us. Maybe that's why it's easy to forgive him for the dishwasher thing. Because his smile lights up the room. He sure knows how to play us all for fools, with that beautiful smile of his.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Playdate in the Park

Here are some of the pictures that we took last week in the park. Cam was very nice to humor me by coming out and dressing well. My mom was very nice to take the shots and my sister helped a ton with Conner.

These are out of order... sigh. Last shots of the day.

Sweet faces, huh?

Upside down! Oh the things we do to make that baby smile.

Conner was starting to get a little sick of picture taking here, but we got some of Cam's best smiles.

"Look at the duckies Conner!" And yes, I am tickling him to get that big smile.

Conner had fun with these pictures, though aferwords it occured to me that he's a little too little for swinging. Oh well. He was fine and the pictures are great!

Auntie and Grandma had to work a little bit to get him to smile at first. The word "bonk!" seems to do the trick.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Smiley faces

One of my favorite ways to get a little pick-me-up when I'm feeling discouraged with Conner is to look back on the sweet moments captured by my camera. Okay, okay... my mom's camera. Here are some fun pictures of an ordinary day in October. Hope they make you smile.
Yes, this was a pain to clean up.
And yes, it was worth it!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bugs 'N' Bones

Conner was a skeleton for Halloween. He did not want to wear the hood that came with his costume. If you want to see a very unhappy bug in his hood go to my facebook pictures. I kept it because even when he cries he's cute. Though in the moment I don't think so.
I felt really bad on Halloween, I ached all over and had a terribly sore throat. So I dragged myself and Conner over to my parents house and he went with Grandma to choir practice while I took a much needed nap. Conner has been sick as well, but I am feeling much better thank goodness. How do you take care of an active one year old when all you want to do is curl up on the couch and sleep the day away? I am still trying to figure these things out. Aren't we supposed to have a special mommy immunity that allows us to weather all the sicknesses of our kids so we can take care of them?
Growing up it seemed as though my mom had that special power. Maybe she was just lucky. I know she kissed her babies as much as I kiss mine. We women cannot resist baby cheeks. They are just too soft and kissable.
Anyway, even though we didn't get out much Halloween weekend, we were able to pass out candy and Conner played in my parent's yard for a while in his costume.
This Halloween was memorable for all the wrong reasons but at least it was memorable. We did manage to get some cute pictures of Conner in costume. Next year will be our first year of trick-or-treating. Can't wait!

Here are those cute pictures...We love our bony boy!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Party People

Conner had an exciting birthday week. We visited Grandma on his birthday and He opened lots of fun toys and had his first cupcake. That Friday I invited family over to our apartment for a little party. It was cramped and some people had to sit on the floor but we made it work. The guys watched football on the big screen that takes up half the living room. I am not a good hostess. That was the best entertainment I could do. Although, Conner did dance a bit, which is pretty entertaining. But I can't take credit for his moves. I said it before and I'll say it again, I don't know where that kid got his skills from.

I tried not to make a big fuss over his party but I still decorated the food table picnic-style complete with bugs. Cam made homemade pizza which was YUMMY but caused a little bit of stress as well. In the end we had lots of leftover food and dirty dishes but it was worth it to have our families together, having a good time.

Grandma got Conner a hat. Unrelated to his birthday, but a pretty cute photo nonetheless.

Is it any wonder why we love this baby so much?

His very own puppy dog. Thank goodness you don't have to potty train it

Frosting face

Pull-apart Halloween cupcakes. Because we can. Sept 22 is close enough to Oct 31, right?

"What on earth have they put on my head now?"

This party hat is as old as his mama. Doesn't he wear it well?

This was taken at the party. Auntie Dani made him a caterpillar cake. And of course he tried to grab the candle. Sigh. I should have anticipated that. Boys love fire.

Auntie Whitney and Cousin Austin with mama cutting the cake.

Mama and cousin Austin. She's a spunky little stinker and cute as can be.