Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How Big is Too Big??

Conner is 9 months old today. He went to the doctor for his well check and weighed in at 19 lbs 1 ounce. I am very happy with that growth because of his struggle to gain while he was sick. He is 29 inches long (or tall now that he stands). He is in the 75th percentile for height and is in the 25th for weight. He is ten times more active and wiggly now that he can crawl and pulls himself up on anything tall. As you can imagine, this new found freedom comes with some bumps and bruises. He is scared of the vacum which is pretty silly. I have weened him off his binky so when his little tender feelings are hurt I don't have the binky to fall back on. It's just mama and her loves to comfort him now. I actually lost track of both binkies for about a week and when one was found, he wouldn't take it anymore. It went a lot more smoothly then I had imagined it would. He can hold a sippy cup and is learning to eat "real' food. This has really been a big month for growth an development. I am the relief society chorister, which was harder than I thought. I have recieved A LOT of help from the ward choir director and Heavenly Father. He really knew what he was doing when he gave me this calling. I think it will develop my talent as a singer and help me grow in organization, leadership, and other ways. I am glad to do it, but it is still very intimidating. I try to practice everyday for a half hour. I am enjoying having Cam back after two weeks away. You realize what you have when it's not there everyday for you. He was able to have Fathers Day off work and come to church with us. It was wonderful to have him home on a Sunday for a change. We are World Cup junkies at the moment. We watch it every night on our computer. Here are some more recent pictures. Thank goodness for Grandma and her camera.


Eating Mama's leg
Look at those B-E-A-UTIFUL eyes!

Bunny rabbit smile

At home eating lunch

Monday, June 14, 2010

We Love Summer (Even in AZ)!

So far this summer Conner has...

... Learned to crawl. Grandpa Mark calls Conner's particular technique, the broken wheel because he drags one knee along and uses the other foot. Works just fine though....

Splish-splashed in the pool for the first time...

...Ate all sorts of new and yummy pureed foods...

And has had an all-around great time so far for his first summer season.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Write It Down

Today I was going through more of my junk, and I found a journal I had started a month after I was married. It was fun to read those entries, even if I only made it to three. I am horrible at it, even though it would help me improve my writing skills. There is a lot I want to be in this world, and being an author is my most far-fetched fantasy. Anyway, here are some gems from my journal from way back two years ago...

" My degree is a ways off though. I will be a mom before I'm a teacher. I'm excited to be a mom, but also pretty nervous. It will be the most important job I ever have, and I don't take that responsibility lightly. I really want to be a good mom, like my mother..."(This makes me kinda emotional reading it.)
"....we don't want to start our own family until we have our own place... (haha oh boy, that would have been the smarter move, but it didn't happen like that. Thank goodness it all worked out.)
" Austin is just an adorable little baby. She is eight months old. It is fun to be an Aunty to a little girl since I don't see Jayden and Parker, my sister's boys. I confess, Austin makes me want my own babies. I hope and pray I won't have to wait too long to meet my own kids. I am really curious to see who they will look like and what their personalities will be like. "
(I found out I was pregnant with Conner 6 months after this was written.)

I also wrote about starting a new job and about my brother Kevin and how he had grown so much on his mission in Alaska. It was nice reading about how I felt at that time in my life. I am glad I have this blog to make as sort of journal. It is easy and fun!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Conner in May

Here are more pictures of what Conner and family did in the month of May.

He clowned around with Uncle Kevin...

Made cute faces for Grandma...

Toured the Gila Valley Temple in Mama and Grandma's arms...

Made more cute faces...

Got loved on A LOT....

Saw pretty sights on a road trip to the temple...

And visited with Grandma Brimhall.

June is shaping up to be a good month. Conner has two full teeth, is in the begining stages of crawling, and can stand while holding onto something (no help from me). Also, he bursts into tears for no apparent reason. Okay so thats the downside of this age. The upside is that he has slept through the night for 4 straight nights. So it turns out I didn't ruin him, and he could be taught after all. I am still trying to unpack our apartment and make everything fit and look nice. Hopefully I will be done before our lease is up. I am not very dilligent about it since most of it is Cameron's and I have no idea what to throw out and what to keep and I'm lazy. We will sort it out eventually.