Saturday, June 12, 2010

Write It Down

Today I was going through more of my junk, and I found a journal I had started a month after I was married. It was fun to read those entries, even if I only made it to three. I am horrible at it, even though it would help me improve my writing skills. There is a lot I want to be in this world, and being an author is my most far-fetched fantasy. Anyway, here are some gems from my journal from way back two years ago...

" My degree is a ways off though. I will be a mom before I'm a teacher. I'm excited to be a mom, but also pretty nervous. It will be the most important job I ever have, and I don't take that responsibility lightly. I really want to be a good mom, like my mother..."(This makes me kinda emotional reading it.)
"....we don't want to start our own family until we have our own place... (haha oh boy, that would have been the smarter move, but it didn't happen like that. Thank goodness it all worked out.)
" Austin is just an adorable little baby. She is eight months old. It is fun to be an Aunty to a little girl since I don't see Jayden and Parker, my sister's boys. I confess, Austin makes me want my own babies. I hope and pray I won't have to wait too long to meet my own kids. I am really curious to see who they will look like and what their personalities will be like. "
(I found out I was pregnant with Conner 6 months after this was written.)

I also wrote about starting a new job and about my brother Kevin and how he had grown so much on his mission in Alaska. It was nice reading about how I felt at that time in my life. I am glad I have this blog to make as sort of journal. It is easy and fun!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was a better journal writer as well. It really is great to be able to remember what life was like even a few months ago. I seriously can't remember much about Ave being a baby and I thought for sure I would never forget a thing. Blogs are really great for easy writing and reminders!
