Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Place of Love and Beauty

The pictures I put in my last post of the night we went to see the Salt Lake City Temple lights did not do it justice. I decided to make a new post devoted to the temple. Feel free to sing along as you enjoy the spirit the temple and its grounds brings to all who go there.

" I love to see the Temple...

....I'm going there someday...

...To feel the holy spirit...

...To listen...

...and to pray...

....For the Temple is a House of God...

...A place of Love and Beauty...

...I'll prepare myself...

...while I am young...

...This is my sacred duty."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Conner's First Road Trip

This is a re-vamped version of my older post. There are more pictures and they are now in order. I'm not very good with a computer, but I try. Anyway, here are pictures of Conner's first trip to Utah to meet some of his relatives. He is a great road trip baby so far. He only cried a little here and there. He wasn't even startled when JJ jumped up and sat on him in his car seat, though it did wake him up. I fed him bottles the whole way up and he did great with that as well. It is nice to have a baby who can nurse and bottle feed without too much hassle. He slept most of the way, which was remarkable for a baby who doesn't sleep during the day to sleep most of an eleven hour drive. He loves to be in the car!

Auntie Erica came down to see her new baby nephew

My nephew Parker feeding his new cousin

Erica's boyfriend Spencer, Erica, Parker, and my other nephew Jayden

We went to see my Uncle Quint. This is Conner with my cousin Jessica

Uncle Q cracking up at Conner cracking up. Auntie Annie is tickling him

A view of the Conference center the night we went to see the SLC Temple lights

Floating manger scene on temple grounds

Getting ready to ride in my Uncle Brian's helicopter-thats my dad in the background ( in red) playing ground control for Brian

A view of my Grandparents home in Spanish Fork from the helicopter

Coming back to land in Brian's backyard.

We went up to Syracuse to spend the night at Erica's house

Spencer and Conner

Jayden and Conner

Cousins Marci, Eric, and Lance with Conner at PF Changs

Myself, Annie, and our Uncle Greg

Eric loved Conner- but who wouldn't?


Sunday, January 24, 2010

4 Months!

4 short months ago I gave birth to my love bug

At Conner's 4 month check up on Friday he weighed in at 14 lbs 3 oz and 26 inches long. The doctor said he was tall( falling in the 90th percentile for height) and lean (50th percentile for weight). She smiled and said she wouldn't be suprised if he walked early. He is a very active baby boy! Also I am stressing out because we have to check in with her next month about the flat spot on Conner's head. She mentioned physical therapy and a helmet if it hasn't improved by then and now I have to do neck exercises with him so his neck gets stronger. He does not like neck stretches! All I could think about was when he gets older and looks at his baby pictures and gets after me for making him wear ridiculous head gear. Let's hope I don't have to deal with that!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bad Night

This picture was taken before all the unhappiness

Last night Conner had a tough time going to sleep . I sat with him on the couch watching television and trying not to move him because he would cry everytime I did. He had been to the doctor for his four month well check and that meant a shot in each thigh and a nasty oral vaccine. Auntie Annie came home and held him until he finally got comfortable and gave into sleep.

Fast forward to two o'clock in the morning and he wakes up sad so I feed him and doze off a little. Half an hour later I wake up to find him very unsettled and very warm. I freak out a little because I'm a first time mom and very paranoid. So I pace bck and forth in the living room with him in my arms squirming and whining softly. I jump at a loud noise which puts me on edge because I hate to be in the dark alone (did I mention I'm paranoid?) Finally Conner falls asleep and I keep him in my arms a little while wishing I had someone to talk to who could calm ME down. I almost go in my parents bedroom for my mom, but I stop myself.

After a little while I put him in his bed again. At this point I am crazed and it's after three o'clock. I say goodbye to Cameron at three thirty when he gets up to go to Tuscon for Guard drills (the only good thing about being up that early) and then I finally feel like I can go back to sleep so I check on the baby and crawl into bed. A bad night made worse by the fact that I had a fever myself a few days back and need all the sleep I can get to try to get over my own sickness. Being a mom is hard work!

It's About Time!

Yesterday my mom said to me " I can't believe that you haven't made your own blog yet ,when you love to read other peoples and you love to write." So just like that I decided to give it a try. I'm excited to get started!