Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Place of Love and Beauty

The pictures I put in my last post of the night we went to see the Salt Lake City Temple lights did not do it justice. I decided to make a new post devoted to the temple. Feel free to sing along as you enjoy the spirit the temple and its grounds brings to all who go there.

" I love to see the Temple...

....I'm going there someday...

...To feel the holy spirit...

...To listen...

...and to pray...

....For the Temple is a House of God...

...A place of Love and Beauty...

...I'll prepare myself...

...while I am young...

...This is my sacred duty."


  1. Such a pretty post! That is Avery's favorite song right now and I LOVE it when she sings it! I am sad that you guys were in Utah when I was in Gilbert! Hopefully one of these days we can meet up and let our little boys play!

  2. Gorgeous! I got goose bumps reading/looking at the post. Thanks for sharing, I love the temple!
