Friday, February 26, 2010

Rounding Out

Conner went to a special five month check-up this week so that his pediatrician could see if his flat spot was getting better. I could not tell at all if it was improving. I had made my peace with Conner needing a helmet. It was a pleasant suprise when we learned that his head was doing fine. Growing well at 43in around. There was no need for a helmet. Phew! I breathed a big sigh of relief as we left the doctors office. He is 15 lbs 13 oz, a good-sized lug of a bug.

Conner didn't like being set down and Grandma couldn't resist taking a picture of his sad face

1 comment:

  1. That is the one of the cutest sad faces I havce ever seen! He has a lot of hair! Cute baby!
