Monday, September 20, 2010

Name Calling

Conner climbing in his carseat and having trouble getting out. Siily goose.

I know that when you read the name of this post you probably were thinking "uh oh, Kaitlan's gonna rant about a bully at the supermarket or something" but I was really just trying to be creative. Every now and then it happens, and I have to take advantage of the creativity while it lasts.

As Conner's first year is wrapping up and we are getting ready for the next one, I have been pretty reflective, trying to remember EVERYTHING. Well I can't do that but as he grows older he won't let us call him all the nicknames we have for him, some are just for babies. We might even come up with new ones. So I thought I would write down all of Conner's nicknames so I can keep a piece of his infancy with me.

1. Conneroo:this one was made up by Uncle Kevin who was concerned that Conner isn't a name that could be shortened into a nickname.Who wants the nickname Con? ick.

2.Bug-a-boo: because that's what babies are. I made up a song incorporating both Conneroo and Bug-a-boo. It went like this..." Conneroo is my bug-a-boo, sweet love I do." I know it won't win any Grammys but I think my baby appreciated it.

3. Biggest/Littlest: Conner's Grandma Jenny calls the babies in her life Biggest. Cam got that nickname from her while also calling him littlest because he IS both at the same time.

4. Misters/guy: Whenever Conner does anything Cam calls him Mister-fill-in-the-blank, or the fill-in-the-blank-guy. Example: Mister plops-on-the-ground. or ploppy-guy. It's cute.

5. Booger: This fits because the kid has had more runny/stuffy noses than I can count. Plus he sometimes acts like one.

I often mix nicknames together or just shorten them. Like Conner-bug or Booger-boo. My, won't he be embarassed when he's older? Oh well, it's a parents perogative.


  1. Addie gets names like "Addie poo poo pants" when she was littler, turkey britches, etc., LOL!

  2. Nicknames are the best! Glad you journaled this little bit of his life!

  3. aw. i can't tell you enough how much your blog makes me want to be a mom.

    oh. and the GS shout out... AWESOME!!!

    i'm glad you like it.

    it is wasn't for that blog i probably would have gone CRAZY in alaska. it is so boring here in the winter.

    p.s. i was talking to KEVIN on facebook. i can't believe part of his mission he served in BETHEL, sooo cool!
