Friday, September 17, 2010

Fire Station Fun

Every Friday at 10:00am Conner and I (and sometimes Cam)meet with friends and fellow ward members to share in some fun with our kids. This blessed tradition is called playgroup. I adore my, ahem...I mean our playgroup.

Today for playgroup something extra special was planned. We took the kids to the nearest fire house and toured it. The moms enjoyed it even more than the kids. We asked a lot of questions. Don't worry though, there was all sorts of fun things for the kids to look at.

Here are some things we experienced thanks to those kind guys at the station:
1. We got to sit in a fire truck. The last time I was in one I had just caused a minor car accident so this experience was much more pleasant.
2. We saw where the men and women ate,slept, exercised, watched tv, and did paperwork. Did you know fire fighters had to do paperwork?
3. We saw a fireman slide down his nifty fireman's pole.
4. A very brave fireman dressed up completely in his gear. There is no a/c in the garage with the trucks so it was quite warm! I wonder if the suit proctects from plain old desert heat?
5. They turned on the truck lights for us, and Conner of course, loves lights.

The tour sure did make me appreciate all that these people sacrifice and do for us so that we can have help when we need it most. Enjoy these pictures....


  1. oh so fun.

    i remember taking kaylee to the fire station when she was like two. kids LOvE that place!

  2. How fun! I need to get a playgroup together once I get situated after baby 2!
