Friday, April 15, 2011

No Excuses...Just Pictures

As this Post's title says, I will give no excuses as to why it's April and this is my first blog post of the year. Mainly because I have no excuses to give. These pictures, along with the beautiful night shot in my Blog header, show some of the sights we encountered on our trip to Utah in February. As well as some random everydays shot when we got back.

Here's a breif update on what we've been up to:

Cam is no longer working at Intel. Heavenly Father answered my prayers and after his contract at Intel expired, he was immediately hired by a smaller company that sub-contracts for semi-conductor corps (like Intel) all over the Phoenix area. The jobs actually overlapped, though unoffically. He has been working incredibly hard lately, adjusting to the demands of his new job and keeping up with school. I'm proud of him. He now works longer weeks, shorter days, and has Sundays off! He has been a huge blessing to have in sacrament meeting and knows just what to do when Conner gets too rowdy.He is trying to stay in shape because of his National Guard duties and plays in an indoor soccer league.

Conner is almost 19 mos. He can say "mama, dada, up, & ball." He is getting very close with the words " juice, shoe, and doggie." My favorite word is ball because he says it like "baawl" He still babbles in baby, making do and doe sounds like " do do do, doe doe." I have no idea what it means but it's adorable. He also has his molars in, his canines coming in, and all the rest sure to follow soon. Conner can point to his belly button,nose, ears, and mouth when asked, but has trouble remembering where his eyes are. I have been working with him on using the American Sign Lanuage sign for "more." Sometimes he does it brilliantly. I have been pretty unsuccessful so far trying to teach him "thank you," but I'll keep trying. His intelligence amazes me everyday.

What's new with me, you ask? Well, lets see...hmm... that's a tough one. It's more of the same, I suppose. However, I am now serving in my church as a leader in their nursery program. That's a Sunday school program for children 18 mos to 3 yrs old. I was somewhat dissapointed at first, to not be able to attend regualr adult classes. But now I have come to enjoy every child in that class, and with so many teachers and so few kids, I can often attend at least one of the adult classes. The majority of the nursery is made up of kids Conner's age, so it's fun to compare their very different personalities and see where they stand developmentally.Those little ones amaze me at what they comprehend. Conner is the youngest in the class right now.

Okay, onto the pictures....

This ia where Cam grew up in Provo, Utah. He lived in that building until he was 7 or so. He drove us right to it, looking for landmarks from his memory.

This was his elementary school. It's now an apartment building. Cam thought it looked very different from his childhood, now that it's not a school.

This is the daytime view from my mother-in-law's downtown Salt Lake apartment. We really enjoyed staying there. Cam and I went on a date to the LDS Conference Center for a tour and the we hopped on the trax to the new outdoor mall a few blocks away for a Jama Juice. Conner and I also had our own little adventure coming back from a children's museum at the mall, getting on and off the trax and walking home all by ourselves. It was cold but pleasant.

These two pictures are of Conner taclking his daddy. We are at Grandma Debbies, where all the photo ops take place.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a post! I've enjoyed nursery the time sI have served in it ... it is truly a sacrifice to accept the calling, but once in there, it is amazing how little of a sacrifice it seems to become! Glad you are enjoying it! Beautiful picture of the temple. What a sight to see everyday.
