I should clarify that this is more like a series of glimpses into our everyday. Conner is nineteen and a half pounds, thirty inches and getting to be more of a handful everyday. He is also getting to be more and more fun! He sort of gets what "no" means but that doesn't stop him for long. He usually just looks at us, smiles, and continues doing what we told him not to do. He leaves a path of destruction in our apartment, throwing books off their bookcases and getting into cupboards. He tries to crawl under everything he can. Including his rocking chair. He is very sensitive to raised voices and loud noises. It is very sad. I sing "Old Mcdonald to him everyday and use the toys on his farm-themed exer-saucer to show him what animals say what. Cameron is enjoying his martial arts class of mauy tai, even when he bruises his feet doing it. I am trying to baby proof the apartment, so our coffee table was removed from the living room after Conner bumped it and got a bloody nose. I wrote a skit for a recent Visiting Teaching Workshop and had a great time acting it out. We are getting ready for Cam to start a new semester of school and for Conner to start walking, and turn one.
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